I agree to participate in all Bowen College courses with full knowledge of the effects that bodywork can have. I agree not to hold the Instructors, sponsors, and venue owners responsible for any results of my being a demonstration subject or active participant in this course.
I agree not to share, duplicate, reproduce or copy in any manner, in whole or in part, the training materials for any course or future course, with the exception of exercise pages which I may copy only to share with clients.
I will not share, duplicate or transcribe any audio/video or image recording of a workshop or its contents for distribution to other persons whether personal or professional.
I agree not to represent myself as an Instructor unless I am a Certified Instructor of Bowen College.
I agree to refer interested parties for proper instruction and certification in Bowen Therapy rather than representing the procedures and concepts, in part or as a whole, without proper instruction and permission by Bowen College.
I will not discuss complaints, program costs, discounts or payments with any other colleagues or attendees during a workshop or any support features including the Bowen College Community page and the Q&A.
I agree to treat all other persons as equals while attending a workshop and will refrain from actions such as bullying, passive-aggressive comments, singling people out, sexual innuendo, and negative attitudes towards others.
I agree to apply professional discretion when case studies and personal information and/or transformations are discussed/revealed in a workshop or training.